The stars call to me
About me
Hello you can call me fariticle or mei , im an istj 1w9 , I mostly like drawing or reading in my free time and im currently practicing digital art because it actually seems fun . My pronouns are she/her and im fourteen , im an aquarius !! Im pansexual and i speak polish and english . I hope you have a nice day!! :)
Do you hear them? The cosmos?
Before you Follow
slow replies, and use caps, i like classical music , and jpop and love to talk abt my favs ,sometimes it takes long to me understand what someone is saying , mostly i cant understand when someone says something ironically .
Do not interact if
Basic dni criteria , don't talk to me if ur 18+ unless u need something from me!!do not inferact if you're racist, trans/homophobic can't respect others, dislike favs, involved with fanwars, nsfw content,support pedo & incest.
I like and dislike
My friends , animals mostly cats, art , reading , my comfort characters , listening to music , sleeping , and i dislike doing nothing for too long , some subjects at school , people who mispronoun others on purpose , mean jokes
Let the constellations speak to you
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